French web-developer, graduated recently, following an intensive one year course, including a three month internship.
Looking to put my technical skills and life experience to work in a team environment interested in someone with a non standard professional path.
Display the 20 first pokemons, load the following 20, display a random pokemon. Show the details of the selected pokemon including their types, characteristics and evolutions.
A copy of the Smarty website homepage. Desktop and mobile versions.
An interactive reminder for Flexbox where you can see the result of the different options. Including Container properties and Content properties.
A CSS model of our solar system. Rotation speeds use the real ratios. You can choose the speed. Size vary with the screen width.
A version of the Four in a row game, made with Javascript, victory conditions, reset button.
If you have any questions, if you want to know more about me, you can contact me.